Artificial Sweeteners and Fertility

Who is guilty of drinking diet sodas?? I know…so many of us.

Well, if you are a woman and trying for a baby maybe this is the right time to stop. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to decreased fertility in women. Scary huh?

The study looked at IVF patients and found that the eggs of those who regularly consumed diet drinks were over 50% more likely to be poor quality.

Artificial sweeteners are not real food and have been linked to various other health problems so do think twice before indulging . What are artificial sweeteners? They are simply chemical substances. Aspartame, saccharin, suclarose are all chemically created artificial sweeteners approved for use in UK. Yes they may be calorie free, but is it worth the risk?

Unfortunately, this does not give you a green light to hit your favourite sugary drinks again. Sugary drinks have also been linked to reduced fertility….no silver lining to this sugary cloud i’m afraid. My advice, stay away from fizzy soft drinks and let your body enjoy the benefits of pure fresh water… least for now anyway.

Bottom line: Little changes can make a big difference. Eat real food and drink filtered water to improve your chances to conceive.


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