If you are suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) your ovaries might not work properly, meaning you might not ovulate or ovulate irregularly. This can cause difficulty in getting pregnant. Insulin resistance is very common in women with PCOS.
Do you know how to support insulin resistance with food? The following nutrients are very useful as they are all required for an effective insulin metabolism:
Magnesium: brown rice, quinoa, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains, nuts, lentils, green leafy veg. Insufficient calcium intake can disrupt magnesium balance
Calcium: sardines, tinned salmon, fermented dairy products (kefir and live yoghurt), green leafy veg, tahini paste, and almonds. Too much coffee and tea can prevent the absorption of calcium from food
Potassium: avocados, tomato paste, sun-dried tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, bananas, dark green veg
Zinc: poultry, eggs, seafood, yoghurt, beans, nuts and seeds, oats, brown rice, pumpkin, peas. Animal sources are better absorbable.
Chromium: raw onion, tomato, black pepper, poultry, shellfish, whole grains, pulses
Vanadium: shellfish, black pepper, dill, buckwheat
There is so much more I could write about nutrition on this topic but I just wanted to give you a quick insight for a good start.
If you are not sure if you have PCOS condition I will explain what is it and what are the symptoms in my next blog on Thursday.