Why you need CHOLINE during pregnancy?

Did you know the importance of choline during pre-conception, pregnancy and lactation? I did not! Check if your prenatal supplements include this essential nutrient. Mine did not.

Nutrients that receive the most attention in guidelines on pre-conception nutrition are folate, iron, and calcium. But what about other essential nutrients such a CHOLINE?

You need more choline during pregnancy and lactation. Emerging evidence suggests that maternal choline intake during pregnancy, and possibly lactation, has lasting beneficial neurocognitive effects on the offspring. This simply means that choline intake during pregnancy may have a long-term impact on memory and brain function of your baby from childhood to adulthood. Isn’t it fascinating that NUTRITION IS so POWERFUL?

What does the choline do?

  • It plays important role in making sure that your placenta is healthy, so it can supply your baby with oxygen and nutrients essential for its growth
  • It is critical nutrient involved in baby`s brain development during pregnancy and lactation
  • It helps to increase your chances of conception and reduces the risk of early miscarriage
  • It helps to prevent neural tube defects.

The general advice it to take folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defects. I was never told that I might need choline as well. Please note that it is never just one nutrient. Folate and choline work together. Nutrients work in synergy. It is important to note that neural tube closes very early in pregnancy, which can be before the pregnancy is detected. Therefore it is vital to ensure adequate choline and folate intake before conception happens.

The richest source of choline are animal products. Egg yolks are great source, followed by meat, seafood and dairy. Plant foods containing choline include: nuts and seeds, legumes mushrooms, beans, however vegan or vegetation diet alone might not be enough to meet growing demand for this nutrient during pregnancy and lactation so supplementation might be needed.

If your prenatal supplements do not contain choline, it’s absolutely essential that you include choline rich foods in your diet.

Symptoms of getting too little chromium include high blood sugar levels, combined with symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome).


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