How to reduce allergy risk?
The other week I watched a very inspiring webinar, delivered by Bio Care, discussing how to reduce the risk of developing future allergies in infants while pregnant. I thought I would share some tips with all you mummies-to-be or those who are trying to conceive.
Here is what was suggested pregnant mothers do, particularly those with atopic background:
- Supplement with probiotic during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Supplement with vitamin D. Your vitamin D status during pregnancy is very important and may affect your foetus immune system. It can also reduce the risk of developing allergic disease
- Eat natural fats such as butter, coconut oil, olive oil. Fat is needed for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as E and D. Maternal deficiencies in both have been linked to increased risk of developing asthma in babies
- Avoid hydrogenated fats and margarine as high intake of those during pregnancy have been linked with increased risk of allergies, especially eczema
- Eat two portions of oily fish a week such as sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout. They contain omega 3. Low levels of omega 3 in breast milk has been linked to increased risk of developing allergies in babies
Eating the right foods can positively affect the health of your baby, so just do it! It will benefit your health too.